Geelong Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day 2022
On this day above all days, we remember those who did not return from the Vietnam Conflict to receive the welcome and gratitude of their Nation.
Those who fell in the jungle, rubber plantations and paddy fields of Long Tan, Coral-Balmoral, Hat Dich, Binh Ba and Nui Le and other battles, such as the Tet Offensive.
May we accept the challenge that these deaths have given us, and may we,who strive to maintain this great tradition of remembrance, be inspired by
their dedication to the cause of freedom, peace and justice.
We remember those wonderful courageous men of the Army, Navy and Air Force, the Nurses and Doctors of the Medical Teams in Vung Tau, Butterworth and Darwin. We think of them all and pray for them all, on this, our Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day.

Payday Lunches
Fortnightly, between February and December, we (and our partners) gather for a lucheon currently around Geelong and distict's licensed hotels and restaurents.
Named 'Payday Lunches' because they generally coincide with DVA pension dates.
Date exceptions may be ANZAC Day and the Geelong Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day.
They are pay your own way but are occasionally subsidised by the sub branch.
If you are a Financial Member of the G&D VVAA and we have your email address, you will be alerted by a
'Mailchimp' email invite requesting to RSVP (for catering purposes) if you are attending.
Ladies Lunches
Not to be confused with Payday Lunches, partners of Vietnam veterans meet for a lucheon each month.
Again, the ladies luncheons move from venue to venue and are not necessarily at a licensed venue.
Partners will be contacted when and where these lunchens are held, requesting an RSVP.
Mixed Tennis
Tennis is held every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at All Saints Tennis Club NEWTOWN Vic. pending weather conditions.
If there are 5 Wednesdays in the month, it will be held on the 2nd, 4th and last Wed of the month.
Cost is $5-00 annually. Ph 0417 543 034 for confirmation.